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Data-handling tools: subsetting, reshaping, etc.

    Here are some R tools that I have used successfully for handling, tidying up, ordering, reshaping, subsetting, merging, and summarising datasets with upwards of a million cells.

    rm(list=ls()); ls()
    library(pacman) # loads packages, installing them if they aren't present
    data(iris) # example dataset
    # summarize:
    # summarizes data according to conditions expressed in a model form
    iris_summary <- doBy::summaryBy(cbind(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length) ~ Species,
    			# alternatively: Sepal.Length + Petal.Length ~ Species,
    			FUN=c(mean, sd),
    # subset:
    setosa.sepal <- droplevels(subset(iris, Species=="setosa",
    			select=-c(Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
    # droplevels() makes subset() "forget" about unused levels, so that they don't show up in str()
    # another example:
    versicolor.petal <- droplevels(subset(iris, 
    			select=c(Species, Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
    # other ways of subsetting:
    selected_spp <- c("setosa","versicolor")
    set.vers <- iris[iris$Species %in% selected_spp,]
    # order:
    set.vers.ordered <- with(set.vers, set.vers[order(Sepal.Length), ])
    # change a column's content, e.g. add Genus to Species:
    iris$Species_binomial <- paste("Iris", iris$Species, sep="_")
    # split column content into multiple columns:
    iris$Genus <-, strsplit(iris$Species_binomial, split="_"))[,1]
    # or:
    iris$Species <- str_split_fixed(iris$Species_binomial, pattern="_", n=2)[,2]
    # reshape:
    # change the format of setosa.sepal from "wide" to "long":
    # see
    setosa.sepal$uniqueID <- paste("ID", 1:length(setosa.sepal[,1]), sep="_")
    # gather() gets mad if rows don't have a unique identifier
    setosa.sepal.long <- gather(setosa.sepal, 
    			key = "Variable", 
    			value = "Measurement", 
    			-c(uniqueID, Species)
    # turn back to wide format:
    setosa.sepal.wide <- spread(setosa.sepal.long, 
    			key = "Variable", 
    			value = "Measurement"
    # gather() and spread() have been superseded by pivot_wider() and pivot_longer()
    # merge setosa.sepal and versicolor.petal:
    merged_df <- plyr::join_all(list(setosa.sepal, versicolor.petal),

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